Sensory and mindful textile-based sessions for all ages and abilities.

We offer a variety of workshops for groups and on one-to-one basis. The aim of this programme is to support

social interaction, communication difficulties and mental well-being. 

All of our sessions combine visual and tactile sensory elements, mindfulness and creativity.

 A child decorating a linen food bag with block print        A mix of fabrics on the table        samples of woven textile artworks    

We run our workshops in schools, community centres, care homes, museums, galleries, gardens and community rooms. 

Depending on the age and ability of the participants, activities may range from textile manipulation, needlework, weaving

or block printing.  

 A child learning the basic running stitch      samples of framed needlework made by a pupil      sensory embroidery workshop with a pupil      Demonstration of textile artwork framing process


Sessions can be tailored to your group's needs. Please get in touch to discuss options.